Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The road less travelled

I'm back after a nice long weekend. Yesterday was a perfect day to ride our bikes. With newly pumped tires, I was eager to go for a bike ride with G and the kids. H loves to ride her bike and would probably go off on her own around the neighbourhood, if only we would let her. N can't ride on his own yet, so he rides with daddy.

There is a conservation area near our neighbourhood. We have done the gravel trail on a few occasions. I usually prefer to take the well traveled route. G is more adventurous - taking us on tiny, winding dirt paths. I'm glad we followed the road less traveled, because the trail was beautiful. It was so nice to be out in the woods. Unfortunately, our trail ended here, due to this damaged bridge.

Hopefully it will be repaired soon. After yesterday, I'm determined to use my bike more this summer. I'm glad G pushes me to do things out of my comfort zone. And I'm so proud of H. The trail was a little challenging in some parts, but she pushed on and didn't give up.

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