Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's day wrap-up

Happy Monday. I hope all the moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day. I awoke Sunday morning to the clinking and clanging of G and the kids preparing breakfast. I went to the washroom - knowing that flushing the toilet would alert them to my awakening. I proceeded to head downstairs, only to be stopped by little N at the top of the stairs. His big sis, H, had instructed him to keep guard. “No, we not ready! We not ready!” N said, with his hands waving in the air. His wide-eyed face looked so adorable, especially because you could tell that he wanted to do the job which had been entrusted to him. So I curled back in to bed and waited.

Finally they came into the bedroom, singing Happy Mother’s Day. H and N both hopped into bed with me with their gift bags in tow. I’ve come to expect the little handmade gifts from school. What I love is watching them watching me open up their surprises. This year, a card and a planter with seeds from H and a bracelet and a picture frame made from popsicle sticks from N. Gotta love it!

After the gift opening, I was finally allowed to go downstairs. Breakfast was all served. At my place setting were photos of the kids in glass jar frames, similar to these.

So that explains the homeless pickles and olives I found in the fridge.
You can go to Photojojo, just like G did, for the how-to. I feel so loved.

Photo from Photojojo

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