I saw Patricia from A Little Hut do this with her kids. She had them print onto fabric napkins using fabric paint and cardboard tubes. I thought it would be a fun activity to do with my three year old, except we just used washable paint on paper. I folded the toilet paper tubes into different shapes. N really enjoyed stamping the various shapes onto the paper. He found it especially fun when we did patterning. I stamped out a series of patterns and he had to name the next shape in the sequence. Learning while having fun, that's the best combination.
Tip: Yes, those are dog bowls you see in the photo. I use them all the time when the kids paint. I bought these plastic dog bowls on sale for ten cents each at Ikea. They make great paint trays and are perfect for holding water in which to clean the paint brushes. They are stable and don't tip over.
what a fun project for kids--and I especially like your idea of using dog bowls--how creative!
Fun idea!//Eva
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