Saturday, March 14, 2009

Too pretty to eat

This book Hello, Cupcake! was a gift. I’m not much of a baker, or a cook for that matter, so this book is just up my alley. It’s all about the decorating. Most of the cupcakes in this book can be made using pre-packaged cake batter and ready-made frosting. The book is full of fun and creative ideas. I was especially drawn to the page with cupcakes topped with monarch butterflies. I just had to try making them. The butterflies are made using melted chocolate wafers, which you pipe out from a Ziploc bag onto waxed paper. It was a bit of trial and error as I fumbled through the process. (I made my melted chocolate too runny.) Who has the patience for this kind of thing? Apparently I do. After an afternoon of gooey, melted chocolate, and baking and frosting and assembling, I had some beautiful butterfly-topped cupcakes. I had fun making them. Funny thing is, I took them to a friend’s house for a girls’ evening together, and nobody wanted to eat them.


Anonymous said...

I love your cupcakes from madelaine

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmm! It looks to good to eat!